Thursday, May 3, 2012

Palae Metta

The ChAngels Spring Party will focus on supporting the women and children of Palae Metta.  We will be sewing pockets onto towels to stuff with flip-flops, soap and teddy bears - all needed items for these moms and their families. 

Palae Metta is a clinical residence for women and children living with HIV/AIDS in Yangon, Myanmar (Burma). Residents who live in Palae Metta receive antiretroviral, supporting medications and vitamins, nutritious meals, basic clothing and linens, mosquito nets and toiletries in a warm, supportive, home-like setting. Many of the residents are vulnerable girls and young women from rural ethnic areas. Palae Metta's goal is get these young women and children healthy and back on their feet with the skills and networks they need to lead healthy, productive lives. Residents are welcomed into a network that provides emotional counseling, job retraining and/or school (depending on age and level), basic financial and life-skills training and the opportunity to join support groups and savings groups.

Because HIV/AIDS is so stigmatized in Burma, staff work closely with residents, their families and communities to reintegrate the young women and children as productive, respected members of society. To date, Palae Metta has served up to 40 people—including 15 children, 15 pregnant women and their children, 5 outpatients, and 5 emergency cases when beds are available—with 17–23 residents at any given time. Built in 2010 with the generous grant from the Barnett family, Palae Metta operates thanks to their continued support.

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