It's the holiday season and we love to bake and decorate cookies! We wanted to deliver something sweet to the team at SAFAR, the Stanford Alliance for Food
Allergy Research to say "Thank you!" for all their important work. This program at Lucile Packard Children's Hospital at Stanford is currently running clinical trials to desensitize people from their food
allergies. SAFAR is a cause that is important to ChAngels because two ChAngels, Nicole & Lisa, had life-threatening peanut allergies.

Over the course of the trial, Lisa & Nicole ate a prescribed number of peanuts, which increased gradually over time, until they were reaction free and both tested negative for peanut allergies. They have to eat a certain amount of whatever their food allergen is (in this case peanuts) every day to keep up their tolerance. It is new, life-saving technology and is currently the closest thing to a cure that there is for food allergies. We can now do so many more things and no longer have to constantly worry about what they are eating. (We also rolled coins and were surprised, again, at how those coins can add up so quickly. In this case, $200 for SAFAR!)
Over the course of the trial, Lisa & Nicole ate a prescribed number of peanuts, which increased gradually over time, until they were reaction free and both tested negative for peanut allergies. They have to eat a certain amount of whatever their food allergen is (in this case peanuts) every day to keep up their tolerance. It is new, life-saving technology and is currently the closest thing to a cure that there is for food allergies. We can now do so many more things and no longer have to constantly worry about what they are eating. (We also rolled coins and were surprised, again, at how those coins can add up so quickly. In this case, $200 for SAFAR!)