Hi ChAngels fans! This past weekend ChAngels, did a fun event at Menlo School with Good Karma Bikes. We had collected donated bikes from ChAngels friends, and supporters from Menlo School beforehand, which we stored in a Menlo classroom. On Sunday, September 25, Good Karma Bikes with founder Jim Gardner, brought tools and supplies to help us refurbish old bikes. Good Karma Bikes has been around a little under a year and a half, but has already refurbished and donated 3,000 bikes! ChAngels and a Good Karma Bikes crew, along with the help of teachers and coaches from Menlo, refurbished and tested nearly 40 bikes on Sunday! The ChAngels crew definitely learned a few things about bike mechanics which was really fun....and useful since we are all riders, ourselves! The bikes we refurbished were picked up later that day by local nonprofit, InnVision. InnVision distributed the bikes to low income or houseless individuals.
The day was a great collaborative effort between Changels, Menlo Philanthropy Club, Good Karma Bikes and Inn Vision - it felt good to be working with so many great groups. We all had a super time on Sunday, and we know that what we did will really help people without transportation.
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