Monday, November 14, 2011

Thanks to all our wonderful friends and supporters! Our 4th Annual Persimmon and Baked Goods Sale was a big success. Thanks goodness us ChAngels like to bake because those pumpkin and ginger bread loaves were very popular!

Friday, November 11, 2011

Giving 2.0

ChAngels is so proud to have a mention in Laura Arrillaga-Andreeson's new book on philanthropy entitled, Giving 2.0. Several ChAngels members were able to attend her book launch event at Stanford University, and thought her remarks were amazing and inspirational.

Ms. Arrillaga-Andreeson defines a philanthropist as: "Anyone who gives anything—time, money, experience, skills, and networks—in any amount, to create a better world." We like that definition and want to give all those things! She also spoke about the need to be strategic, collaborative and proactive in one's giving, and always to remember to evaluate the outcome of one's giving to make sure it is meeting one's strategic goals. She also pointed out that we all need to stretch our giving further right now in this economic downturn.

Ms. Arrillaga-Andreeson speaks a lot about how her parents inspired her to become a philanthropist. We think that's neet because we are a mother-daughter group, and our parents inspired us!

You can learn more about her book here.