The Membership Circle now has 20 members; every Girl Making A Change in this big, fun sorority-style philanthropy group. We have girls with great ambitions with ideas like ending childhood cancer, curing type 1 diabetes, ending gender bias and poverty, animal extinction and much more! We have girls who can change the world with amazing skills: being calm presences, persevering, being great at managing things, learning and connecting with people, using photographic memories and being outgoing and friendly.
The six ChAngels who were part of the original mother-daughter group have become the
Leadership Circle:
Leadership Circle:

- Nicole-Secretary
- Kate-(forever our founder) is now President
- Alison-Social Media
- Lily-Vice-President
- Sara-Membership
- Lisa-Treasurer
Our five moms have become the first members of the Advisory Board, and will help, support and guide us. We are also excited to find more members for our Advisory Board, people who can inspire us and give us great ideas as well as share their special expertise.
Thank you for keeping up with us! We are all so excited for this year for ChAngels, and we can't wait to keep changing the world! -Sara and the ChAngels